On Sunday 13th March 2023, Sophie Ramsay launched Bamff Wildland’s exciting and ambitious “Braes of Alyth, Wild Cores and Corridors” riparian restoration project.

A screening of the brilliantly informative and highly relevant documentary from Scotland, the Big Picture called “Riverwoods” also took place, followed by a q&a with the river restoration specialists Duncan and Maja Pepper, who are both carrying out surveys in relation to our project.
The project, funded from NatureScot’s Nature Restoration Fund, spans the two sub-catchments to the east and west of Bamff and we are carrying out surveys and consultations with the owners and managers of nine other landholdings in the project area.
We aim to connect wildlife rich areas via restored nature corridors along waterways. It transcends the limitations of boundaries and thus becomes a true landscape scale ecological transformation that can bring hope for the future of many species, the mitigation of flooding, of drought and numerous other benefits.
We had a great turnout (despite the snow and rugby) and many wonderful new connections were forged.