Since the beginning of 2022, the 1.6 acre Bamff walled garden has been gradually evolving from an abandoned and neglected space, towards a multi-faceted permaculture inspired project with numerous aims:
providing produce for local events and community food projects.
connecting with local food growing projects
ensuring soil ecology is protected/enhanced within the garden – and outside it.
exploring forest gardening – for climate resilient food foraging and ecosystem building
creating crops of willow coppice destined for ours and others rewilding projects, and for creative endeavours.
providing a space for educational and cultural events, relevant to the location.
exploring land beyond the walled garden with, for example, experiments in heritage grain growing – ideally stock free.
hence exploring types of agriculture that can enhance and themselves become biodiverse habitats, rather than threaten them, and thus also potentially exploring the re-peopling of rural locations.