A trail camera pointing at a Bamff beaver dam during 2 weeks in June 2024 picked up a wide variety
Bamff Wildland
“Through rewilding – the mass restoration of ecosystems – I see an opportunity to reverse the destruction of the natural world.”
George Monbiot
unprecedented in the history of human civilisation, with climate change and biodiversity loss accelerating around the globe.
The biodiversity crisis in the UK is happening at one of the fastest rates in the world.
At Bamff, we are doing all we can to create wildlife habitat – to restore nature’s abundance and to sequester carbon.
We offer accommodation to guests not just to fund our work and share the joy of staying in a place of abundant wildlife, but also to show how the restoration of the land for wildlife can also create opportunities for people.
Ospreys breed at Bamff for the very first time in the modern era
Two osprey platforms were installed at Bamff in August 2022. The following year, a pair of Ospreys arrived in spring
Rare film made of wild Exmoor foal’s birth
The birth of the fourth wild Exmoor foal at Bamff Wildland, named Argaty, was witnessed live by a number of
First Exmoor Pony foals are born at Bamff Wildland
Four Exmoor Pony foals have been born at Bamff Widland in April 2024, beginning with Airlie, a filly, followed by
Restore (an area of land) to its natural uncultivated state (used especially with reference to the reintroduction of species of wild animal that have been driven out or exterminated)